Welcome to Crystal Master!

On the Kristalmeester® website, stones are described in the way I experience them and the knowledge I have acquired about them over the years.

Who am I?

My name is Martijn Antonius and I have had a special connection with gemstones my whole life. A few years ago I started Kristalmeester® to live my enormous passion for gemstones, minerals and crystals even more and to share my knowledge of stones, acquired through experience, literature study and education, with the rest of the world.

Every stone is unique

Every stone has its unique birthplace, properties, vibration and energy. By opening yourself up to the energy of the stone you can experience an interaction between your energy and the energy of the stone. In this interaction you can feel flawlessly how you are really doing. A mirror is held up to you, as it were, with all your beautiful and less beautiful sides. From vulnerability and daring to really feel you absorb the wisdom of the stone.

My mission!

My mission with Kristalmeester® is that by experiencing the beauty and energy of stones you expand your consciousness so that you learn to see and accept who you really are.

My wish is that you realize how beautiful and complete you actually are and that you grow as a person from this insight and contribute to a more beautiful world.

What do we do?

On the Kristalmeester® website, stones are described in the way I experience them and the knowledge I have acquired about them over the years.

It is important to know that gemstones, minerals and crystals are never a substitute for professional care, always only a supplement.

Therefore, do not see the descriptions on the Kristalmeester® website as a doctor's prescription, but always consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider if you need medical or psychological care.

Quality mark

Kristalmeester® is a proud member of the Fair Trade Minerals & Gems (FTMG) organization. This beautiful non-profit organization promotes fair trade in the trade of minerals and gemstones. FTMG is committed to the environment, nature and the people who work in and around the gemstone mines.

Kristalmeester® believes it is very important that people receive a fair price for mining gemstones and that nature is not damaged and is compensated.