
Cintamani of Saffordiet is een wat mysterieuze zeldzame steen waarnaar verwezen wordt in zowel de hindoeistische als boeddhistische tradities. Cintamani noemt men ook wel een geschenk van de hemel aan de aarde.
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Cintamani pendant drilled
Beautiful Cintamani pendant with silver loop. Cintamani or Saffordite is a somewhat mysterious rare stone referred to in both Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Cintamani is also referred to as a gift from heaven to earth. Read more
approx. 1.3 cm
approx. 1.8 cm
approx. 2.6 cm
All photos were taken by Kristalmeester. You will receive a similar product as shown in the photo.
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Cintamani pendant drilled - no. 2
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Cintamani pendant drilled - no. 3
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Cintamani pendant drilled - no. 4
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The Cintamani stone is considered one of the most mysterious and powerful gemstones in the world. This rare gemstone, also known as the 'wish-fulfilling jewel', has held a special place in various spiritual traditions for centuries, especially in Buddhism and Hinduism. Cintamani is known for its ability to increase inner wisdom and promote spiritual growth.

Spiritual Effects

Cintamani is seen as a powerful transformation stone that helps you reach your highest potential. This special gemstone acts as a bridge between the earthly and the divine, allowing you easier access to higher forms of consciousness. The stone is known for its ability to transform negative energy into positive energy and helps manifest your deepest wishes and desires. Additionally, Cintamani supports you in developing compassion and unconditional love for yourself and others.


  • Hardness: 7-8 on the Mohs scale
  • Density: 2.4-2.5 g/cm³
  • Chemical composition: Tektite (natural glass of extraterrestrial origin)
  • Color: Black to dark brown with a characteristic luster


  • Tibet
  • Czech Republic
  • China
  • Thailand
  • Australia
  • Philippines

Zodiac Signs

Cintamani has a strong connection with the zodiac signs Aquarius and Capricorn. This stone especially supports people born under these zodiac signs in their spiritual development and personal growth. People with the zodiac sign Scorpio can also greatly benefit from the transformative energy of Cintamani.


This powerful stone primarily works on the Crown and Third Eye Chakra, enhancing your intuition and spiritual perception. Additionally, Cintamani has a harmonizing effect on all Chakras and helps create better energy flow throughout the entire body. The stone creates a strong connection between the upper and lower Chakras, helping you stay better grounded during spiritual experiences.


Cintamani is a relatively hard stone that needs to be handled with proper care. Clean the stone regularly under lukewarm running water to release absorbed energies. Then place the stone in indirect sunlight for several hours to charge. Avoid direct sunlight as this can affect the stone's color. More information about cleansing and charging gemstones can be found in our blog "cleansing and charging of gemstones"


Cintamani is an extraordinary gemstone that helps with your spiritual development and personal growth. Through its powerful energy and unique properties, this stone is a valuable ally on your spiritual path. Whether you're seeking inner wisdom, transformation, or a deeper connection with the universe, Cintamani can support you in this journey. This mysterious gemstone continues to fascinate and inspire to this day, and its significance in various spiritual traditions makes it a truly special stone in the world of crystals and gemstones.


Gemstones, minerals and crystals are natural products and may contain occasional color differences or imperfections. Gemstones, minerals and crystals only work as support and are never a substitute for therapy. Therefore always consult your health care provider in case of complaints or health concerns.
Copyright ©: All photos were taken by Kristalmeester and are the property of Kristalmeester. Text and photos may not be copied, used or stored without permission of Kristalmeester.