
Amber is a fossil resin. Makes cheerful and has a strong protective and cleansing effect. Has strong healing properties.
Beautiful Amber pendant, drilled. Amber makes you happy and has protective, cleansing and grounding properties. Removes negative energy and transforms it into positive energy. Read more
1.2 cm
1.3 cm
2.7 cm
All photos were taken by Kristalmeester. You will be sent the product shown in the photo.
Beautiful Amber pendant, drilled. Amber makes you happy and has protective, cleansing and grounding properties. Removes negative energy and transforms it into positive energy. Read more
0.7 cm
1.2 cm
3.2 cm
All photos were taken by Kristalmeester. You will be sent the product shown in the photo.
Beautiful Amber pendant, drilled. Amber makes you happy and has protective, cleansing and grounding properties. Removes negative energy and transforms it into positive energy. Read more
0.8 cm
1.3 cm
2.9 cm
All photos were taken by Kristalmeester. You will be sent the product shown in the photo.
Viewing 16 of 19 products


Amber, also known as the 'sun stone of the earth', is a fascinating organic gemstone with a rich history dating back to antiquity. This warm, golden-colored stone is not actually a mineral, but fossilized resin from prehistoric coniferous trees. With a history spanning millions of years, Amber carries a special energy that is both protective and healing. Throughout the centuries, this gemstone has inspired and fascinated people, from the ancient Greeks who believed Amber was solidified sunlight, to modern collectors who are drawn to its timeless beauty and powerful properties.

Physical Effects

Amber is known for its supportive effects on various physical conditions. The stone is traditionally used to support the immune system and can help alleviate different forms of pain. The warm energy of Amber can provide support for joint complaints and muscle tension. Additionally, Amber is often used to relieve headaches and strengthen vitality.

Gemstones, minerals, and crystals work only as support and are never a replacement for therapy. Therefore, always consult your doctor if you have any complaints.

Spiritual Effects

The spiritual power of Amber is profound and versatile. As a stone that is millions of years old, Amber carries deep wisdom and a connection to the earth that is tangible to those who work with it. The warm, sunny energy of this gemstone has a strong uplifting effect on the spirit and can help dispel negative thoughts and emotions.

Amber acts as a powerful protector against negative energies and can help purify the aura. The stone stimulates self-confidence and helps manifest your wishes and dreams. Through its connection to ancient wisdom, Amber can help you access forgotten knowledge and insights from past lives.

The healing properties of Amber are particularly effective in processing old emotional wounds and traumas. The stone brings light to dark periods and helps release stuck emotions. Additionally, Amber supports your creativity and self-expression, making it easier to be your authentic self.


  • Hardness: 2-2.5 on the Mohs scale
  • Density: 1.05-1.09 g/cm³
  • Chemical composition: C₁₀H₁₆O
  • Color: Varies from light yellow to dark orange-brown, sometimes with inclusions
  • Transparency: Translucent to opaque
  • Crystal system: Amorphous (no crystal structure)


  • Baltic region (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia)
  • Dominican Republic
  • Mexico
  • Russia 
  • Romania
  • Myanmar
  • United States 

Zodiac Signs

Amber is particularly powerful for people born under the zodiac sign Leo, but also resonates strongly with Gemini and Libra. The sunny energy of the stone enhances these signs' self-confidence and supports their natural leadership qualities.


This gemstone is primarily connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra (manipura), where it helps strengthen your personal power and willpower. Additionally, Amber works on the Sacral Chakra (svadhisthana), where it stimulates creativity and joy of life, and the Root Chakra (muladhara), where it provides grounding and stability.


Amber is a relatively soft gemstone that must be handled with care. Avoid contact with chemicals and soap, as these can damage the stone. Never clean Amber with water or salt; instead, use a soft, dry cloth to clean the stone. You can charge Amber in gentle morning light or by placing it briefly on a bed of Rock Crystal chips.

More information about cleansing and charging gemstones can be found in our blog "cleansing and charging of gemstones".


Amber is a special gemstone that provides powerful support both physically and spiritually. Through its warm, protective energy and deep connection to the earth, it is a valuable ally on your spiritual journey. Whether you're looking for emotional healing, protection against negative energies, or a boost to your creativity, Amber can support you in this. This timeless treasure from nature continues to amaze us with its beauty and healing properties.

If you have any questions about Amber, don't hesitate to contact Kristalmeester. We're happy to help.

Gemstones, minerals and crystals are natural products and may contain occasional color differences or imperfections. Gemstones, minerals and crystals only work as support and are never a substitute for therapy. Therefore always consult your health care provider in case of complaints or health concerns.
Copyright ©: All photos were taken by Kristalmeester and are the property of Kristalmeester. Text and photos may not be copied, used or stored without permission of Kristalmeester.