Meaning: being able to express yourself
Speaking the truth from love, speaking from your heart, completely balances this chakra. In everything, ask yourself, "What would love do?" And act accordingly. Speak lovingly to yourself, give yourself loving words. Speak lovingly to and about others before judging them. The Throat Chakra is colored blue and belongs to the element ether.
Where is your Throat Chakra located?
Your Throat Chakra is located in your throat, near your larynx and thyroid. This chakra is associated with self-expression, expressing yourself by using your voice (showing yourself as you are).
What does the Throat Chakra stand for?
This chakra stands for expressing your heart and speaking your words from love. What you say is an expression of your heart and compassion. Your voice is a healing tool. It is about communication, to yourself and to others. Respond to yourself, with everything you feel, see and think. Speak out fully (from love, not fear). And leave nothing unspoken. Indicate what you need, dare to stand up for yourself and take responsibility for your behavior and personal needs.
Throat Chakra in balance
A person where this chakra is properly active is able to express himself in all areas. Not only to others, but also to oneself. We feel what is going on in us and we express it. You speak from wisdom. You can stand up for yourself well and set your boundaries. You can choose to rest well for yourself. You can speak your truth, about what you find important and want in life. You can express your strengths and weaknesses without difficulty. You can see and appreciate the positive aspects of yourself and others. You can listen well to others and you can hear between the lines what is actually being said. We are sympathetic, conscientious and can see the bigger picture.
Throat Chakra out of balance
It may also be that you actually speak a lot of truth, which makes you appear blunt or heartless. You may also feel that no one hears you. You may talk too much and interrupt others making you appear rational, and then be too much in your head. You may also start talking very busy and fast, making you hard to follow.
Connected to the physical body
If your Throat Chakra is out of balance, you may experience problems with your throat on a physical level, think of laryngitis, coughing, colds or trouble breathing. Problems with the ears, jaws or mouth (vocal cords, teeth, gums) can also come up. The thyroid gland may also flare up.
Color Throat Chakra
Your Throat Chakra has the color blue. Blue represents purity and speaking the honest truth.
Corresponding Zodiac Signs
Fitting stones
Each gemstone has its own vibrational frequency. Just as words, feelings, thoughts and emotions (and actually everything inside and outside us) have their own energy and their own vibrational frequency, so do our chakras. The energy of these gemstones resonate with the energy of the Throat Chakra, and therefore help you to open this chakra, for example by meditating with it and connecting (in your mind) with the energy of the stone.